Striving for Some Sanity while Daddy is at Work

Tag Archives: kitchen

The stove in the kitchen of our apartment is very, very old.  I’m not sure what year GM made the Frigidaire ‘Super”, but I’m guessing avocado green is a feature from the mid to late seventies.

It’s electric of course and two of it’s four coil burners are on the fritz. I avoid them, the other two work just fine. The oven is a little tricky as well. I do believe, based on my prior knowledge of pastry, that it runs low. Id say maybe thirty to fifty degrees. It puts an added  twist on my baking projects when I set the oven to what I think will be close to 350. I have a pretty good feel for it so it’s no big deal..

The broil setting, on the other hand, is the kitchen equivalent of an incinerator. I can kill anything under that broiler. Many a great garlic bread have been knocked down in the prime of….you get the idea. It’s tragic.

You might be thinking to yourself have it replaced, right? The trouble is I’ve begun to love the old green stove.

I baked my nephew’s first birthday cake in this oven. I threw two holiday parties here with this stove as the star of my show. I’ve cooked countless meals for friends here. I made every dinner I’ve ever prepared for my future husband with the ol’ green monster and when he get’s home on Saturday I’ll make him another.

This isn’t our permanent abode. In the not to far off future we’ll gether up the bug nd his things and move on. We’ll leave the avocado stove in our past. There is a small part of me that will miss my seventies kitchen. The yellow walls (not stained, canary yellow), the ancient and practically un-cleanable linoleum, but most of old the old green stove.

We have had some good time’s haven’t we, friend?
